Review on Edgar Reitz‘ autobiography
Review on Werner Herzogs autobiography
Both books so far only have been published in German. As soon as an English edition is planned you will be informed here.

In September 2022, at the premier of Edgar Reitz‘ autobiography and the restored Zweite Heimat in Munich, I encountered Rowan Charlton, a young man from England, who for me exemplarily stands for the young people in the world getting in touch to Edgar Reitz and his films. Rowan wrote an essay about how he has related to and been positively impacted by HEIMAT. Read it here.
In Memoriam of Angela Skrimshire (1936-2015)

The following material was written by Angela Skrimshire, who had a real passion for the films of Edgar Reitz and has been a real involved and devoted member of our group of Reitzians, beeing scattered all over the wold. Angela lived on Colonsay Island, wich is part of the Scottish hebrides.
„We all took her into our hearts with her compassionate and sensitive writing. In many of our projects the past decade she was the fire that kept our conversations warm and going. With her present the norm of how we relate to one another was set high without us realising it. We would just follow and do as good as she would always do, enjoying her contagious modesty.“
Reinder Rustema, Amsterdam, on his Website www.heimat 123.net you will find the documentations of all our discussions
On Angelas decease on 1st of June 2015 Edgar Reitz wrote:
„Angela hast been a most remarkable person among all the friends and fans of my films, and I always regarded her attendance at premiers, festival events and other HEIMAT-related meetings as an honor. Angela’s writings and monographies on my films, especially on the film Cardillac, will always remain important to me. My sincere regards to all her friends and family,“
Edgar Reitz, Munich, Germany
Her passing was such a loss for all of us. Angela was such al lovely, warm hearted, caring person. I knew her for nearly 10 years because of our common love for the HEIMAT films by Edgar Reitz. I met her here in Germany for several screenings, premiers etc., in May 2010 she was our guest here at home in Rietberg. Me and my family planned to visit her on Colonsay one day, we all are so sad that now this can never happen anymore.
Angela has gone, but all her writings will keep her passion and spirit for our common enthusiasm. This is her main work:
‚HEIMAT’ OF MEMORY, IMAGINATION AND CHOICE: An appreciation of Edgar Reitz’ Heimat films (Revised Version Febryary 2012)
Impressions of Edgar Reitz’ Das Frühwerk by Angela Skrimshire, July (revised Nov) 2009
Review of HEIMAT-Fragmente – Die Frauen. November 2010
Relfections on Die andere Heimat, October 2013
Furthermore Angela prepared translations of some basic texts and interviews:
Basic Information/Interviews
br-alpha Forum. Interview with Edgar Reitz by Walter Greifenstein, winter 2004/5, reflecting on Edgar Reitz‘ whole personal history as a film-maker.
Edgar Reitz introducing the Heimat-Trilogy DVD-Edition
Geschichten aus den Hunsrückdörfern
Notes on the sequence of scenes in ‚Geschichten aus den Hunsrückdörfern, a film made by Edgar Reitz while preparing for HEIMAT. (based on this page).
Documentary „A memorial for the Hunsrück“ by Christa Tornow, SWR 1982, about the making of HEIMAT.
Report from the premiers in Munich and Simmern, 2004 (by Th. H., original site)
„Film offers more than great landscape shots“ – Letter to the editor by Thomas Hönemann
„The Ratings Freak“ – by Peter W. Jansen, relating on the cut of HEIMAT 3 in german television
HUNSRÜCK – Between Fiction and Reality. On the track of the „Heimat“-films
Interview with Edgar Reitz: „I admire loyalty that expects nothing in return“
Interview with Edgar Reitz: „A Brother is a Brother“
„The difficult legacy of a German epic“ – by Hans Dieter Seidel
„Heimat“ Trilogy – Goat Song beside the Loreley – by Hans Günther Pflaum
Interview with Edgar Reitz: „Television is no longer a narrative medium“
Interview with Edgar Reitz by Info Fliess, taken from heimat3.de
Interview with co-writer Thomas Brussig, taken from heimat3.de
Notes on the VPRO documentary „Over Heimat“, 19.12.2004 (linked from www.heimat123.net)
Interview with Edgar Reitz by Maarten van Bracht (VPRO), taken from cinema.nl (linked from www.heimat123.net)
Interview with Edgar Reitz by Jürgen König, relating to the world-premier of HEIMAT-FRAGMENTE (pdf, 101 kB)
Review by Daniel Kothenschulte, published in Frankfurter Rundschau online, 04.09.2006 (pdf, 81 KB)
Interview with Egar Reitz by Margret Köhler, Filmdienst #24/2006